Natural Sciences

This department collaborates with the Caribbean Examinations Council (C.X.C.) in offering several Caribbean Advanced Proficiency
Examination (C.A.P.E.).

Candidates wishing to apply for admission to undergraduate programmes at UWI should note that:


  • For the Faculty of Pure & Applied Sciences: Mathematics and 2 approved Science subjects are required.

  • For the Faculty of Social Sciences: Mathematics at the C.S.E.C. CXC/GCE O’ Level is required.

  • Candidates who do not possess a Grade 1 in C.S.E.C. CXC English A, a Grade A in G.C.E. O’ Level, a Grade 1 or 2 in C.A.P.E. Communication Studies, or a Grade A in the G.C.E. General Paper, are required to take an English Language Proficiency Test on entry.

Programmes Offered:

Candidates may choose 3 of the following C.A.P.E. subjects Pure Mathematics, Chemistry or Geography, Biology, Physics, Agricultural Science, Environmental Science. 


Communication Studies is compulsory in year 1 and Caribbean Studies is compulsory in year 2.

N.B. In order to sit C.A.P.E. subjects, candidates are required to have passes in the prerequisite C.S.E.C. subjects.

C.A.P.E. Subjects

C.S.E.C. Prerequisite

Communication Studies

English A


Biology/ Human and Social Biology



Environmental Science

Integrated Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science, Integrated Science, Biology/ Human and Social Biology



Pure Mathematics






Campus & Mode: Montego Bay—Day. 


Preliminary Sciences is offered in collaboration with the University of the West Indies. The Preliminary Sciences Programme gives matriculation to the Faculties of Medical Sciences, Engineering and Pure and Applied Sciences at UWI.

Candidates may choose 3 of the following subjects:

·        Mathematics

·        Chemistry

·        Biology

·        Physics


Applicants should complete application forms for both UWI and MBCC. Transfer to the Mona Campus is not automatic; students are required to re-apply to the UWI.


Campus & Mode: Montego Bay – Day.


2-Yr programme offered in collaboration with the College of Agricultural Science and Education (CASE )

 Entry Requirements: Successful completion of the CASE A.Sc. Degree in General Agriculture, MBCC A.Sc.      Degree in Agricultural Technology. Consideration will be given to candidates with other relevant A.Sc. Degrees from other accredited institutions subject to CASE evaluation. Bridging courses will be necessary for entrants not    matriculating using the CASE A.Sc. Degree in General Agriculture programme.

Courses Include: Green House Technology, Writing for Science & Technology, Caribbean Studies; Bioconversion, Plant Physiology II, Ornamental Gardening & Landscaping, Research Design & Statistics, Integrated Production Systems Mgmt., Behavioural Psychology, Project Research, Design, Writing & Evaluation of Project/Business Plans and Grant Proposals, Plant Pathology Entomology, Agricultural Extension, International Marketing,      Computer  Aided Construction in Agriculture, Plant Breeding, Land Surveying, Seed Science & Technology, Post Harvest  Technology, Introduction to Geographic  Information Systems, Advanced Soil & the Environment and Electives.

Campus & Mode: Montego Bay—Part-time

Students are required to complete 240 hours of Work Experience


2-Yr MBCC Programme

Programme Outcomes: Graduates will receive a solid foundation for entering careers in the field of agriculture        including farmers, researchers, educators, extension staff and members of agribusinesses.  The training will enable   holistic thinking and deeper understanding of the multi-dimensional nature of sustainable agricultural production.

Entry Requirements: 5 CSEC/CXC subjects Gen. I, II, III or GCE O’ Level– A, B, C, in English Language,  Mathematics, one Science subject and 2 others or a Diploma in Agriculture from CASE; or Grades 1 or 2 Ministry of Education      Certificate from Sydney Pagon/Knockalva Agricultural Schools; or  Level II Ebony Park/Heart NTA Certificate; or Level 3 (MoE) Certificate and 3 CSEC CXC subjects  including English Language; or Mature Entry—at least 2 CSEC CXC subjects including English Language along with a portfolio for assessment.  (Students without CXC of GCE Math are required to sit the Foundation Concepts in Mathematics I & II at an additional cost). Applicants with a lower than a Grade 1 or A in English Language will be required to sit the English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT).

Courses Include:  Botany, Communication I & II, Fundamentals of Soil Science, General Chemistry 1, Agricultural  Zoology,  Introduction to Information Technology, Principles of Crop Production, Agricultural Mathematics,         Foundation of Physics, Environmental Science, Introduction to Agricultural  Biochemistry, Principles of Livestock,  Extension Methods, Agricultural Business Management & Marketing I, Soil Conservation & Watershed Management, Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology, Research Design & Statistical Methods, Agricultural Engineering,          Entomology, Elective and specialization courses. 

This programme has three specializations—Agronomy, Animal Science and Agri-Business Management and            Marketing.

Campus & Mode: Montego Bay—Evening


Students are required to complete 240 hours of Work Experience


2-Yr CCCJ Programme

Programme Outcomes: Graduates will be able to work in Agri-business logistics and supply chain management, food      processing, food storage and sanitation; greenhouse and crop management or create their own agro-processing       businesses.

Entry Requirements: 5 CSEC/CXC subjects Gen. I, II, III or GCE O’ Level– A, B, C, in English Language, Mathematics  and 3 other  approved subjects. (Students without CXC of GCE Math are required to sit the Foundation Concepts in Mathematics I & II at an additional cost). Applicants with a lower than a Grade 1 or A in English Language will be  required to sit the English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT). Alternate forms of matriculation:

  1. a) Equivalent qualification (s) as determined by the CCCJ
  2. b) Mature status as determined by the CCCJ

Courses IncludeCommunication 1& 2,  Fundamentals of Information Technology, Quality Customer Care,            Fundamentals of Agricultural Science, Introduction to Finance and Agribusiness, Introduction to Food Microbiology,        Fundamentals of Accounting, Food Safety and Quality Management Systems, Foreign Language 1, Introduction to Food Chemistry, Introduction to Food Processing, Standards, Regulations and Ethics, Supply Chain Management,    Introduction to Food Engineering, Applied Mathematics for Hospitality, Postharvest Technology, Small Business    Management, Food and Sustainable Agriculture, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Elective, Food Production      Development (Capstone Project) and Introduction to Human Resource Management.

Campus & Mode: Montego Bay—Full-time and Part-time

Students are required to complete 240 hours of Internship/Work Experience


2-Yr MBCC Programme

Programme Outcomes:  The programme serves to develop professionals to work in the funeral service industry as   funeral directors, funeral service managers, embalmers and restorative artists.

Entry Requirements: 5 CSEC/CXC subjects Gen. I, II, III or GCE O’ Level– A, B, C, in English Language, Mathematics  and 3 other  approved subjects. (Students without CXC of GCE Math are required to sit the Foundation Concepts in Mathematics I & II at an additional cost). Applicants with a lower than a Grade 1 or A in English Language will be   required to sit the English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT). Alternate forms of matriculation:

  1. a) Equivalent qualification (s)
  2. b) Mature status will be considered

Courses IncludeFuneral Service Principles, Funeral Service, Law , Regulations & Business Law, Restorative Art &          Cosmetology, Introduction to Embalming, Ethics & Critical Thinking in Funeral Services,  Funeral Service Pathology, Issues in Grief & Bereavement, Funeral Service Business,  Microbiology, Principles of Embalming 2, Embalming Lab 1, 2 & 3, Funeral Arranging & Directing, Communication 1 & 2, Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology , Introduction to Psychology,   Applied Mathematics for Funeral Service, Fundamentals of Accounting, Chemistry for Embalmers,    Elective and  Fundamentals of Information Technology.

Campus & Mode: Montego Bay—Part-time ; Westmoreland—Part-time

Students are required to complete 240 hours of Work Experience


1-Yr Programme

Entry Requirements to Level II: Two CSEC CXC subjects including English Language Gen. I, II, III or GCE O’ Level A, B, C or professional certification or successfully passing the HEART/NTA entry test.

Entry Requirements to Level III: Successful completion of Level II

CoursesBasic First Aid, Basic Communication Skills, Workplace Safety Procedures, Assist Care Recipient with       Medication, Prepare Bed for Occupancy, Attend to Sanitation & Hygienic Care, Care for the Dying Person, Provide Support for Persons with Disability, Care for Children, Prepare Medical Equipment and Supplies.

Campus & Mode: Westmoreland—Full-time and Part-time


The CAPE Associate Degree is no longer offered through the Montego Bay Community College.  Students who pursue our Pre-University programmes may qualify for the CAPE Advanced Proficiency Diploma once they have satisfied the requirements as determined by CAPE.  CAPE Certificates and/or the CAPE Advanced Proficiency Diploma (if eligible) are the only certification issued to students who pursue the Pre-University programmes.