How to apply for a Transcript:
INSTRUCTIONS – Please read this information very carefully before requesting your transcript.
ALL fees owed to the Montego Bay Community College must be paid before a transcript
can be released.
The processing of an application for an official transcript usually takes TEN (10) working days
(excluding public holidays celebrated in Jamaica) provided that:
1. All relevant and correct information required to facilitate the generation of the transcript
have been provided on the transcript form. DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANKS. Enter N/A
if not applicable. Transcript forms can be downloaded and printed from our website or
can be collected at our office.
2. The transcript processing fee has been paid and proof of payment submitted to the cashier
window. (Payments can also be made at any NCB Bank branch or via online transfer.
See further instructions at the “Paying for Transcripts” heading below). The processing
fees are:
❖ Unofficial Transcript $500.00 JMD per transcript
❖ Local Official Transcript $1,000.00 JMD per transcript
❖ International Official Transcripts $1,500.00 JMD per transcript
3. Financial clearance to start the process has been given. The transcript will not be released
until the account is paid in full and financial clearance given.
4. The name and full mailing address/ email address of the receiving institution have been
furnished. The person requesting the transcript MUST provide the name and the
mailing address/email address of the institution to which the transcript is to be sent.
There is NO express service or express service fee for the processing of the transcript
request. Requests are processed in the order in which they are received.
Official transcripts which bear the original signature of the VP Academic, the signature of the
Registrar and the official Seal of the College are normally sent “institution to institution”, i.e.
directly to the receiving institution but can be collected once ready. Please note that the
CANNOT be sent to your home address.
Mailing of Transcripts
Official paper transcripts are sent by registered mail unless otherwise requested for delivery via
courier service, which must be paid for prior to the transcript being dispatched.
The Montego Bay Community College has no way of tracking or expediting the delivery of a
transcript sent by registered mail once it has been delivered to the Jamaica Post. If you chose to
send your transcript via courier service, you will be required to pay the courier fee which is
separate and apart from the processing fees. For international transcripts, we use the services of
FedEx. Courier fees are dependent on the mailing address given for the transcript and exchange
Transcripts that are to be sent via courier service CANNOT be delivered to Post Office
boxes. Full addresses which would include street addresses, MUST be provided in these
cases. By utilizing the courier service, tracking may be done online from the point of dispatch to
delivery destination/recipient.
Paying for Transcripts
As mentioned above, transcript processing fees can be paid at the cashier OR to the following
NCB account at any NCB branch or online transfer (if you use the online third party transfer
option, please ensure that your name is in the COMMENTS section of the online transaction.
We will need to confirm receipt of your payment before we can begin processing your
Name of Bank: National Commercial Bank
Account name: Montego Bay Community College Evening Division Account
Account number: 432276783
Branch: St. James Street
To access transcript forms for download and printing, please click here.
Completed transcript request forms can be dropped off at the College OR the form and a
picture of the proof of payment can be sent via email to for
processing to begin. Queries concerning the status of your transcript request may be sent to this
email address as well.